Journey Through My Mind 1


 from March 17, 2010

To live to unlearn . . . to re-examine . . . to re-create . . . this is the road to true self-discovery. When we cease needing to be right . . . and are willing to admit we might be wrong, this is when we may start to gain wisdom. To embrace our ignorance is to open ourselves up to this wondrous universe we live in.”


“Life continues to bring us unexpected challenges, and the only way to meet them and handle them effectively is by continuing to question everything we think we know. There will always be someone to tell us which dreams we should give up on—to point us in the direction of what they call ‘realism’ but which is really just their vision for us. We have to be the ones to let go of our dreams for no one can take them from us without our permission. We fear our own power, our strength, and this prevents us from living freely, intensely, fully.”

(March 17, 2010)


from March 11, 2010

“There is such a fine line between not allowing yourself to be preyed upon by those who will attempt to abuse you and make you suffer yet remaining open-hearted and compassionate enough to not be afraid to risk caring about or loving someone.”

 from March 12, 2010

“When we are secure in ourselves, we have no desire to set ourselves up as superior to anyone else. We simply celebrate our own individuality and allow others to do the same.”

from March 21, 2010

“True creativity is never the product of compulsion. It is spontaneous, like breathing.”

from March 31, 2010 

“Let us not presume to have knowledge of people, circumstances, or subjects about which we know nothing. There is no clearer way to demonstrate stupidity than by attempting to disguise our own ignorance. To choose looking clever over being wise may provide instant gratification, but it will bring no lasting satisfaction.”


from April 16, 2010 

Joy is not an action nor is it something to seek. Rather, it is to be found in breathing, giving, loving, and being.”


(This page and all written material at the SuccessDiva pages is written by Alexis Wingate. (C) Copyright 2010 Alexis Wingate, the SuccessDiva. All Rights Reserved)

Thoughts on Love


On Love

“When you are complete within yourself, the love you give to others no longer comes from a place of need. It is not about your needing another person to fulfill you. Rather, it is about you and another person creating a bond that enriches both of your lives. Love that is not about need builds up both you and your beloved. Whereas love that is greedy and rooted in self-gratification destroys the possibility of true love and mutual respect existing between you.”

“Never give up any part of you to be loved by someone else. The person who deserves your love will accept you as you are.”

“Fear and love cannot co-exist, but you cannot give another person that which you do not experience first within yourself. Once you begin to trust yourself and the decisions you make in your life, you will be able to trust others, too. Similarly, reaching the point where you can fully love and accept yourself will enable you to love and accept other people.”

“The way we treat others is a reflection of how we treat ourselves. If we do not accept our own flaws, we will continue to want to erase the flaws we perceive in other people.” 

“Loving people is not about trying to make them into whom you want them to be. It’s about accepting them as they are and giving them the freedom to be themselves in their relationship with you.”

“To fall in love with another person does not mean that you lose your own identity.  Instead of giving up parts of yourself, a healthy relationship will enable you to both appreciate every aspect of who you are and to discover aspects of yourself that you never knew existed.”

This page and all written material at the SuccessDiva pages is written by Alexis Wingate. (C) Copyright 2010 Alexis Wingate, the SuccessDiva. All Rights Reserved

Thoughts I Live By


~My Personal Creed~

created on February 12, 2010

“Today I release myself from the need to judge anyone, particularly those who are most dissimilar to me. Rather than reacting in a spirit of anger or hate to those who disagree with me or who insult me, I will ask myself, ‘What can I learn from this experience?’ I will allow myself to be a reflection of the spiritual essence within me. I will release myself from every lie, every bitter thought, and every preconceived idea that has taken root within my mind. I will allow those who cross my path to have the same freedom that I give myself. On this day I will live every moment to its fullest. If any adversity or obstacle should come my way, I will meet it with fortitude and strength. I am whole, evolved, and complete within myself. The choices I make today will the ones that are best for me. If others do not accept my choices, that is a choice they are free to make and part of their journey, not mine. I will walk away from those who react to the world and/or its inhabitants with bitterness, hostility, hatred, judgement, envy, criticism, greed, and/or resentment, for I choose to surround myself only with those who are capable of kindness, love, honesty, empathy, and compassion.”

~On Healing & Connecting~

February 2010

“I believe one way to heal our minds, bodies, and souls is through the spiritual connections that we form with other people. Yet, these connections can only be sustained without creating negativity and tension when they are formed between or among those who are like-minded. Those who are enveloped in their own darkness cannot be brought into the light until they seek it for themselves.”

~On Love~

Valentine’s Day Weekend 2010

“For every love that never was, there is a love waiting to unfold.”

(This page and all written material at the SuccessDiva Pages is written by Alexis Wingate. (C) Copyright 2010 by Alexis Wingate, the SuccessDiva. All Rights Reserved).